In 3 days we will have been married 7 months... 7 months can you believe that!!?? It has flown by but let me tell you, we have had so much fun! Seriously has been the best 7 months ever! Well i think it has been for Cory also, up until he sold his car at least.. but hey, now he knows how i feel!!!
We are now the proud owners of Lucy the Lexus and Maxeem the Maxima. They are nothin' like the mazda and mustang but it is nice not having car payments and being able to drive in the snow! Oh the sacrifices you make for love :)
But on the bright side, went on a little shopping spree and now have cute matching Nike Free shoes :)
Cory's dad has some 5th row seats to the Jazz games and we have had the opportunity to go to a couple :). It is so cute watching cory when we are at these, he is so star struck being so close to the players!! It is way fun being that close, i can practically feel Deron Williams sweat!
Had to get a D Will jersey!
So if you get to the game 2 hours early you can get autographs from some of the players, so of course we didn't pass this up and went!!! :) Seriously, so cute seeing Cory so excited to meet the players :)
This Thanksgiving was my first thanksgiving away from my family, but his family never fails to make me feel welcomed! We went down to the Wennerholm grandparents house in St. George, and look how pretty it was down there! Maybe i liked it so much because it kinda looks like parts of AZ doesn't it??