Halie's 3rd month was a busy one! We have started getting out a lot more and it has been so nice! Hallie loves getting out of the house and she is so much fun to run errands with. (people are so nice to you when you are carrying around a car seat!)
She is SOOO much fun! I still cannot believe how much she keeps growing every month.
Visiting daddy at work for the first time. We like to visit him at least once a week!
Womens general session of conference with these lovelies.
dress made out of my mommas wedding dress. #familyheirloom
beautiful baby in a beautiful dress given a beautiful blessing by her daddy. We are so lucky to have so much support from family.
Sure love my little family of 3.
These two have my whole heart.
Baby Evelyn was blessed a week after Hal. These two are only 6 days apart. So fun!!

She sure loves Papa John time!
Getting so strong!
bundled up in april!? Really Utah!? :)
Hallie's third month:
*April 2015*
-Sleeps 6-9 hr stretches at night - has rolled from tummy to back several times – has giggled once - wears 3 month clothes – no longer a huge snuggler, loves to be held
facing out to see the world - loves looking at pictures – loves car rides and walks –
looks at hands and feet