Monday, July 27, 2009

*The Weekend*

There is not too much to update but just thought i would throw a few cute pics on from this weekend! The family came up for a couple days and it was good to see them again, even though i saw them 3 weeks ago.. and the week before that... ha ha jk jk i love seeing my family! ;)

We rode the ski lifts at Sundance friday and it was gorgeous!

ha ha i just love these two!

Where is mine!!!!?????

We had a random night saturday but had fun! Here we are with a cute girl we met Rachel Tingey!

We were mad at something........... ;)

We didn't plan our matching outfits ha ha 

Jos and i are still having a blast! Here is a cute collage i put together of us! This Utah experience will always be remembered!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Jos and i went to the american idol live tour! This is the one show i am obsessed with! So for all you american idol lovers you will love this post! One word.... AMAZING!!!!! We definitely got our moneys worth! :) 

We had so much fun singing and dancing! They are all so much better live! I could re-live this night a million more times!

  Anoop was singing...

Then adam... ew!!

Kris has our hearts!! :)

Watch these videos! Here Kris is singing 'aint no sunshine when she's gone!' My favorite!

Here he is singing 'heartless', my favorite is all of Joslyn's commentary! :)

As we were leaving the concert, we saw a group of people standing outside the back... we stopped and asked what they were doing and they were waiting for the top 10 to come out and sign and take pictures! We didn't think we would get the chance to meet them but after convincing jos that it was worth it to stay (thank goodness!), we turned around and waited with everyone else! About 20 minutes later they all started coming out and we got to meet them! AH!!! Seriously AMAZING!! 

Do you think i took enough pictures of him!??? I don't!!!! Too bad his body guard wouldn't let us take a picture with him :(

A few others we saw.... :) Too bad Joslyn's camera was out of battery and mine was running out of battery... of course!!! UGH!!! We tried at least 5 times to take a pic with danny and that is the best we got! Danny was so sweet and kept telling us to follow him down the line of people and keep trying, he put his arm around me more then once!! At one point his face was smashed against mine posing for the picture, dang technology! It would have been so cute! But it was great enough being close to him! woot woot!! :)

I got the autographs of Anoop, Megan, Adam, Scott, Danny, and Kris!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

*Life's lessons*

This week was a very stressful week! It was one of those weeks where one thing seemed to happen after another, and to top it off i got a call from a member of the bishopric asking me to speak in church!  I was really scared to do this but i decided it was what i needed, and i am so grateful i accepted. 

I had my brother give me a priesthood blessing the night i got the phone call and it was the most spiritual experience. I am grateful i have him up here in Utah! I don't know what i would do without him! Along with his love for me, i also had my family tell me they were praying for me, and it truly worked. Because of all my loved ones support and prayers, and also the help from the Lord, i was able to be calm and give my talk exactly how i wanted to. I truly had a week full of events that i will always remember. I am so grateful for this week, for in our trials and hardships comes great blessings.
Here are a few quotes i used today in my talk, i love quotes!!

*James E. Faust "Caring for others is the very essence of priesthood responsibility. It is the power to bless, to heal and to administer the saving ordinances of the gospel.......the priesthood operates in a system of sublime order."

* Julie B. Beck "The priesthood is intricately woven into who we are and have ever been. As sons and daughters of God, we each have unique responsibilities and roles, and through blessings of the priesthood, we are all given  equal partnerships, gifts, and blessings."

* Robert D. Hales "Brothers and sisters, can you imagine how dark and empty mortality would be if there were no priesthood? If the power of the priesthood were not upon the earth, the adversary would have freedom to roam and reign without restraint. There would be no gift of the Holy Ghost to direct and enlighten us; no prophets to speak in the name of the Lord; no temples where we could make sacred, eternal covenants; no authority to bless of baptize, to heal or comfort. Without the power of the priesthood, 'the whole earth would be utterly wasted'". 

*Fourth of July*

Happy Fourth of July! Becca finally got to meet the family, and I am so glad i was able to go down and be there when she did! We had so much fun getting to know her more, and she fits into the family perfectly! Landon, you did a great job finding this one! She is AWESOME!! :) When i got home (after my lovely night in the airport :)), the first thing i saw was the big sign mom put on the garage. I just love how mom does this for all the big events! 

Here we are, the now 5 kids enjoying our DQ for the second night in a row! (i always love Logan's facial expressions!)

It has been fun having a sister my age! (leah i still love you soooo much i promise!! :)) My dad gave her some Prada sunglasses (so cute!) , and Leah and i went with her to get her very first french tip pedi! For most of the weekend we were up at Mark and Terry's, so she got to meet some of the extended fam, as well as our good friends the Paynes. Another weekend full of great memories!

The new Woolf pack! 

These two are so cute together and always seem to have a good time!