Monday, February 15, 2016

*Summer - Fall 2015*

Hallie's seventh month:
*August 2015*

-can roll both ways, spins in circles, trying to scoot so bad – much more stable while sitting  lower tooth coming in– discovered you can put toes in mouth – takes 3 naps a day – spent 2 nights sleep training & you now sleep 8+ hrs at night! – still dream feeding   went on your first plane ride & did amazing – makes a cute popping fish sound with your lips – a little thing, still in the 12th percentile for weight –you like to hold our hands on your face when you fall asleep, so sweet makes a “cheeser” face when really excited J

First time at the aquarium:

Golfing with dad! 
Cory already has Hal getting a golfing scholarship to college someday ;)...

Classic skating with some of the Wennerholm clan for FHE...

Jordyn sure loves her Hallie girl...

A couple milestones this month... holds own bottle and sits in a highchair!

This momma needs girl time every now and then, had so much fun catching up with old friends from work! xoxo

Logan moves to Utah!... 
I have been very excited to have another sibling live close again! All but leah were able to come and help get logan settled. I sure love these brothers of mine!

Half Marathon #2!! Are we crazy!? 
Actually, to be honest, after doing this twice now, 13 miles really isn't that bad! I never thought I would get into running like this, but it has turned out to be fun! It is something Cory and I enjoy doing together throughout the week and it is a great way for us to take advantage of the scenery where we live!
This race was down Cottonwood Canyon, and it was such a gorgeous run! I didn't get in as much training as I hoped for, but I still managed to run the entire time and break my record by a few minutes :) I even had a bunch of the fam at the finish line cheering me on! Thanks everyone for coming to support us!


Hallie's eighth month:
*September 2015*

-loves tags & drawstrings/shoestrings – size 3 diapers  scooting around! – rocks back and forth on knees – loves getting kisses – can hold your own bottle – makes “mama”, “dada” sounds (“mama” when sad, “dada” when happy) stinker J  sitting in a high chair for meal times – fascinated by peoples hair – you look at your hands a lot –started giving you formula every other feed  2 bottom teeth have broken the surface – you bite momma when you nurse :/


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